Top Layer Medi Spa and Laser Clinic Edmonton

woman with super dry and cracked skin applying moisturizer

My Skin is Dry Even When I Moisturize

Dry skin is a common problem that affects many of us.  It leaves us wondering “why is my skin dry even when I moisturize?”  It can be a frustrating experience when you feel like you are doing everything right, but still not seeing the results you want. If you are moisturizing regularly but still experiencing dry skin, there are a few potential explanations. Lets take a look at those and see if we can help you solve your skincare woes. That’s what you have us for, right!!

We will explore some of the most common reasons for dry skin, even when you are using moisturizer. There are things you can do to help solve the problem.

Before we jump right in lets quickly look at the difference between dry skin and dehydrated skin.  Yes, there is a difference.  

Dry Skin is lacking in oil, your face will usually feel tight or itchy.  Dehydrated skin is lacking in water, both conditions can appear dry and flaky.  The reason this is important is it will help you narrow down the cause of your dry or dehydrated skin. 

"Why is my skin dry even when i moisturize?" You are using the wrong moisturizer!!!

Not all moisturizers are created equal, and it’s essential to choose the right one for your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin, you should be adding an oil to your routine.  Where its better to use a lightweight lotion of you are dehydrated.

It’s also essential to look at the ingredients in your moisturizer.  Did you know that some ingredients can actually be drying to the skin. For example, products that contain alcohol or fragrances should be avoided, as they can strip the skin of its natural oils and cause dryness.

Common ingredients

Common ingredients that can cause issues are Synthetic dyes or colors and alcohol can strip the skin of its natural oils.  Fragrances that are synthetic should be avoided at all cost.

There are exceptions.  Essential oils are actually better for your skin and are naturally occurring but they are listed as fragrances.  I know, they like to make this difficult.  But its important to note that a reputable skincare company will be transparent in the type of fragrance they use.  Be sure to do your research.

Parabens are another big no-no for the skin, they are used as a preservative in many cosmetics including moisturizers.

Retinol can look or feel like its drying, but its actually cellular turnover.

When we first start using retinol can look or feel like it is drying out the skin.  This transitional period should only last about a week.   If you find that this transitional period is bothering you, then maybe consider cutting back your retinol use to once every few days.  This will allow your skin to adjust.  Just remember that retinol is not drying, it is forcing the turnover of the cellular structure of the skin and might appear or feel dry for a short period in time. 

You are using hot water and harsh soaps:

Hot water and harsh soaps can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness. To help keep your skin hydrated, it’s best to use warm water and gentle, synthetic fragrance-free soaps.  Essential oils in face cleanser is still listed as fragrance but because oil is made up of non polar molecules it will bind to itself making it a gentle and beneficial ingredient in your skincare routine. 

You are not exfoliating regularly:

Exfoliating helps to remove dead skin cells, which can accumulate on the surface of the skin and lead to dryness. Regular exfoliation can help to keep your skin looking smooth and hydrated.

You are using harsh skincare products:

This will definitely leave you asking why is my skin dry even when I moisturize!! In addition to hot water and harsh soaps, other skincare products can also be too harsh for your skin and lead to dryness. For example, products that contain alpha-hydroxy acids have many benefits and can help with dryness. However, they can anomilize the barrier function when overused, so it’s essential to use them sparingly or as directed by your dermatologist.

If you have a skin condition you will be asking yourself why is my skin dry even when I moisturize:

In some cases, dry skin may be a symptom of an underlying skin condition, such as eczema or psoriasis.  These are usually attributed to a food sensitivity, leaky gut, or you may have an imbalance on the skin’s surface.  

your Microbiome might be out of balance

Your hydrolipidic film is made of water and oil.  When in balance it provides a healthy environment for your microbiome.  Your microbiome is a beautifully balanced ecosystem of beneficial bacteria.  These beneficial bacteria are designed to fight the unhealthy micro germs and pathogens that our skin comes into contact with on a daily basis.  Signs you are out of balance are eczema, psoriasis, and acne. It can take a few months to get back into sync with your ecosystem, once you determine the root cause.

Finding the root cause

Food can cause skin conditions

We suggest an elimination diet, to rule out any food sensitivities.  Discovering the root cause is key to permanently repairing your skin.  Start by taking out the most common factors for a minimum of 30 days. This includes egg, dairy and gluten.  If you are really determined to find food sensitivities we suggest following a FODMAP elimination.

Rebalancing your Microbiome

To rebalance your microbiome there are two main things you need to do.  Your hydrolipidic film needs to be in balance to provide the best environment for healthy bacteria to thrive.  You also need to bring your healthy bacteria back into balance. 

For the next 2-3 months you must use a quality toner.  Toners contain lactic acid that boosts cell regeneration.  While the sodium water from plants boosts cell communication. This will bring the pH of your skin back to the perfect acid balance.  We recommend the vegan toner Epi-Spritzer.  you will also want to use a gentle cleanser, we recommend Vitaessence, to make sure we are not irritating the skin further.  Followed by a serum with Inulin, we recommend Lift-Me.  Inulin will help bring the beneficial bacteria on your skin back into balance.  Finally, a treatment to rebuild your hydrolipidic barrier, we recommend Skin Swiffer.   

When its time to bring in reinforcements

If you are experiencing dry skin that doesn’t seem to improve after a week or two of FINDING THE ROOT CAUSE, it’s best to book a free consultation with our skincare experts or see a dermatologist for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. 

In conclusion, dry skin can be a complex issue, and there are many factors that can contribute to it, even when you are using moisturizer. By understanding the common reasons for dry skin, you can take steps to address the issue and achieve the hydrated, healthy skin you desire. This may include choosing the right moisturizer, adjusting your skincare routine, exfoliating regularly, adjusting your diet and seeking professional medical advice if necessary.

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